搜索"小布" ,找到 2部影视作品
Rabiye Kurnaz is someone you might generally call an ordinary woman, except that she is a real dynamo. Taking care of her children and much more, she is the one running the show in her terraced house in Bremen. Shortly after the attacks of September 11, 2001, her son Murat is accused of terrorism and is (one of the first) shipped off to Guantanamo prison camp. This marks the beginning of a journey into the heart of world politics for this resolute German-Turkish woman. Together with human rights lawyer Bernhard Docke, whom she soon has completely on her side (like almost everyone around her), she battles for the release of her son – using her very own brand of self-taught English – all the way to the Supreme Court in Washington, D.C. Cologne-based comedienne, author, presenter and much more Meltem Kaptan is the perfect fit for Andreas Dresen’s special talent for combining explosive topics (in this case based on actual events) and the everyday concerns of the average citizen. Kaptan’s, or rather Rabiye’s, performance is overwhelming, and not just for the lawyer (played by Alexander Scheer) who quickly becomes a friend. A portrait of a passionate woman who holds the steering wheel of her beloved vehicle as firmly in her hand as she does the reins in this turbo-charged film.
无论你爱他还是恨他,你都不可否认乔治·W·布什是当今世界上独领风骚的风云人物。作为世界上仅存一超首脑,布什的一生可谓跌宕起伏、波澜壮阔,美国人喜欢他,因为他在911的风暴中顶住压力率领美国人民化悲痛为力量为美国拿下了垂涎已久的中东油田,以强硬的鹰派作风让美国世界霸主的作风深入人心。然而,他在位期间也彻底终结了克林顿创造的经济反弹,甚至将美国乃至全世界拖入了2008金融危机的泥潭;阿富汗和伊拉克两场以恐制恐的战争也让美国人民和中东人民的生活陷入了悲哀。 对于布什的功过是非早有人评论的太多,在好莱坞也不乏关于这位政治人物的影片。然而,真正以传记片的形式全面的去表现布什的一生,本片还是第一次。在本片中,不仅仅包含了布什从老爸的高级顾问到佛罗里达州州长再到美国总统的政治生涯写照,在他年轻时放荡不羁的花边小料也在本片中有所反应。当然,对于伊拉克战争这个布什政治生涯中最受争议的焦点影片也给予了大量的纪录。如导演奥利弗·斯通所说,他在本片中要做的是尽可能客观真实的再现一个我们熟悉而又陌生的乔治·W·布什。